
1,098 Movie Reviews

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New cool stuff, I like it!
P.S. Весь аппетит испортил!

It is the worst russian accent ever.
This time it is hard to see here "хуй"... i mean humor! Yes! As russian me can't accept this type of humor becouze... becase... бля, i forget this fukcing word! You understood me already.
Where is domesticated vodka, you not russian if you not drink vodka with bears! Love Motherland!

Well done! It seems that you have big progress! This time your animation looks much better but next time you should to collaborate with other voice artists, becouse princess have more brutal and handsome voice than have prince .

Matthcw responds:

Thanks Pecheneg, this review is much appreciated! I'll work on it.

Well, It seems that I can't understand what a hax is going on here. No, realy, what a hell is going on here?

JeremyRay responds:

It's a common trope in old b-movies that the monster goes for the human girl, even if it doesn't make sense. Why would the Creature from the Black Lagoon want a human woman? Would you want a fish woman? Maybe if she looked like the Little Mermaid but not if she looked like the Gillman.

Project Tinfoil is a comedic play on that trope - the Greys have come and they have a plan to get laid. They may not understand what getting laid is, or have the equipment for it, but that doesn't stop them from trying.

Why you can't write something normal on Russian language?
"Опекун хранитель чтобы Коллос" means " Trustee guardian to the (becouse) Сolossus" - WTF?
Also, good movie but I have to say that it could be better.

RadioTubeClock responds:

The phrase I had originally typed (and translated with Google, of course) was 'Guardian to Colossus'.

In the 1970's movie 'Colossus: The Forbin Project', the US and Soviets build Colossus and Guardian, respectively, to control their nuclear weapons. The two computers end up communicating with each other, become one entity, and end up taking over the world.

I made a few visual references in my movie to imply that the computer on the ship was Guardian, or at least some part of it, and that the two where still communicating to some degree. Of course, I doubt many people on Newgrounds have seen the movie although I've heard rumors that they're going to re-make it with Will Smith.

Thanks for the review.

Cool execution but bad main idea.

SmokingFrog responds:

I agree. I had to follow a particular script, that was pretty restrictive. (I have to recognize that at the end, I was too lazy to edit it, so I uploaded as it is).

Okay, that was realy good but humor is too predictable.

Meat that tastes like rubber. Eww, such sucks. Kill the cook!

RadicalWerewolf responds:

I'm trying to!

Good people attract good people

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